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Irrespective of the date of joining, subscription to ClearIAS Prelims Test Series 2017, has ended for all subscribers on the date of Preliminary Exam, ie 18-06-2017. I have done MSc Industrial Chemistry.
You are difference to share or print Clear IAS study materials and notes for UPSC Exam preparation or self-use. I shall be thankful to you for this. My bigest problem is that i m from other medium English language ki bhaut problems hai thats is why i m going to give elements in hindi language. We will be adding lot many additional tests this year including NCERTs and CSAT. If you are looking for Prelims 2018, you can now join ClearIAS Prelims Test Series 2018 at a discounted rate. English dictionary bhi kaise improve karni chaiye. I will be civil to you sir.
Learning made easy and faster! Irrespective of the date of joining, subscription to ClearIAS Prelims Test Series 2017, has ended for all subscribers on the date of Preliminary Exam, ie 18-06-2017. The strategy should be a mix of the online study materials, tips and guidance for UPSC provided in clearias.
Important Official Sites - My bigest problem is that i m from other medium English language ki bhaut problems hai thats is why i m going to give exams in hindi language.
This post contains links to all Clear IAS online study materials, which are completely free. The strategy should be a mix of the online study materials, tips and guidance for UPSC provided in clearias. You are free to share or print Clear IAS study materials and notes for UPSC Exam preparation or self-use. Learning made easy and faster! Books for Civil Services Exam Preparation Check the comprehensive post:. Without enough books and study materials to supplement online preparation, your may not see a full-picture. In the UPSC Civil Services study-material-list of any serious aspirant, the following categories of materials are recommended. ClearIAS Mock Tests As you may know, only when tested in an exam atmosphere with negative marking, you can improve the ability to deliver in the actual exam hall. You would be surprised to find how fast you can learn! IAS Preparation: Guidance and Strategies Adding below the most popular posts highlighting guidance and strategies for IAS preparation. Sir I have completed my engineering in previous yr. Sir I have completed my engineering with computer science. MInd Mein thopusand queries aati hai upsc study Sstart kaise aur kha se karna chaiye. My bigest problem is that i m from other medium English language ki bhaut problems hai thats is why i m going to give exams in hindi language. English improvement ke liye mujko kya refer karna chaiye. English dictionary bhi kaise improve karni chaiye. SIR, I am Vipan Sain from yamuna nagar haryana and i appeared in CS-2016. I have done MSc Industrial Chemistry. But the medium of my study is mixed. I have studied in hindi medium upto 10th and after that i have studied in english medium from 12th to MSC. So you are humblly requested, please guide me properly. I shall be thankful to you for this. Regards: Vipan Sain MOB:9991102010 Email: Sir, Mai Indian Army Mai clerk Ki post par karyrat hui. Mujhe ICS IAS Preliminary ke notes our books Ki need hai. IAS optional subjects ke tor par Political Science and International Relationship books ke sath GS and ethics yani Complete books Ki need hai agar aap provide karwa sakte ho to Pl Apne Contact No reply Mai bheje aur provide karwane Ki kripa kare. I will be thankful to you sir. Appreciate your interest in ClearIAS Test Series, and thank you for writing to us. Irrespective of the date of joining, subscription to ClearIAS Prelims Test Series 2017, has ended for all subscribers on the date of Preliminary Exam, ie 18-06-2017. Now, as the platform is loaded with ClearIAS Prelims Test Series 2018, all previous test details are deleted. There is nothing unusual in this process and this is how all major test series providers who provide access to students based on a season-based model work. If you are looking for Prelims 2018, you can now join ClearIAS Prelims Test Series 2018 at a discounted rate. We will be adding lot many additional tests this year including NCERTs and CSAT. This would give you a massive early advantage and almost 9 months until next year Prelims for the complete coverage of our most probable questions.